not human like this, but human like that

Red ♦ she/her ♦ ♊︎


♦ Red
♦ 25+
♦ mixed race, huge lesbian
♦ sometimes an artist
♦ 日本語を少し話しますけど、あまり上手じゃないorz
i reeeeally love OCs. i love talking about OCs!also really love video games, just like in generali know i put my star sign on the front page for the Aesthetique but astrology is for fun, guys


  • my tastes in fiction are often all over the place and updating a list of these is a fool's errand.

  • but what you need to know. is that i fuckin love women who suck


and i play it so much it's a little ridiculous.i play mostly on Aether! but i also have an Alt Problem and spend a not-insignificant time over on Crystal. i like to rp, so poke me sometime!


  • Windy Nakki - Sargatanas [MAIN] | My WoL! has a non-WoL rp version below.


  • Sanma'a Kaatapoh - Balmung | Chronically ill Keeper librarian with a tendency to get himself involved in things he shouldn't. Has a carrd!

  • Roda Lee - Balmung | Former pirate, current adventurer, beautiful Ala Mhigan disaster.

  • Nuha Rasul - Balmung | Wandering Thavnairian storyteller slash informant with a fucked up leg. Queen of the backhanded compliment.

  • I'yalakhai Banwo - Balmung | Oschonian priestess on pilgrimage. Performs last rites as a service for those who can't afford it/are too remote and don't have access. Really friendly and talks a little like a hick, and it's mostly not a front!

  • Amelie Merriweather - Balmung | Ishgardian (?) circus performer. Extremely earnest and honest, but has a hard time getting her sincerity across because she never stops smiling literally ever. Not actually a robot. Has a carrd!

  • Stheno Douglass - Balmung | Chipper Ishgardian merc who's just trying her best. Actual puppy, with knives. Carrd in progress.

  • Narantuyaa Orben - Balmung | Chaotic dumbass who stowed away on a boat. Really really really wants people to think she's cool.

  • Sa'verjha Nunh - Balmung | Middle-aged mom who pulled the remains of her tribe out of a cult in the middle of the Sagolii. Adopts into her tribe. Currently trying to kickstart some agriculture in Crescent Cove while they all try to regain some sense of normalcy. Yes, I know, and no, she's not.

  • W'vindhi Nakki - Mateus | Non-WoL Windy. Bloodsands fighter, tribal exile, kind of a bastard. Has a carrd!

  • W'luska Tia - Mateus | Vin's twin brother. Tribal exile in denial, self-ascribed arbiter of justice. A little unhinged.

  • Nhagi Vuukhali - Zalera | Bluh bluh huge bitch. Merchant's daughter who just wants to skate by on life and gets a rise out of watching cute people suffer. The end result of "wow i really want to make a character that's hot and also a total piece of shit let's go."

BYF (or something)

  • i feel like if you're a homophobe/ transphobe/ terf you prolly wouldn't want to follow me in the first place but like. don't.

  • don't follow me if you're a minor. no hard feelings, i promise there's cooler people to chill with.

  • if your primary personality trait is hot takes and going out of your way to start shit with people, we probably won't get along.

  • likewise if your blog is super discourse-heavy i probably won't follow.

  • i dont care what fictional characters you ship but i do care how you treat other people.

  • i love villains! i love horrible people in fiction. if this is a dealbreaker, no biggie.

  • i have pretty severe ADD and as such my memory is shot to fuck. im so sorry in advance if i forget something really obvious like where i know you from orz


  • Follow/Unfollow/Block Free. basically what this means is: i don't keep track of my follower count, i don't make a fuss over people unfollowing or blocking me, if you're at any time uncomfortable with my presence on your TL feel free to unfollow/block/whatevs, it's no hard feelings on my part.